三影堂摄影艺术中心将于明天(7月16日)下午2点带来瑞士FDDM基金会同三影堂合作的SMArt(Sustainable Mountain Art)特别展览,两位青年艺术家朱岚清及苏杰浩将分别呈现于瑞士驻地期间完成的“山上的雅努斯”及“瓦莱:日常图景”项目。
开幕酒会: 2016年7月16日下午4 点
策展人:玛瑙 (Manuela Lietti)、安娜·瓦莱夫斯卡 (Anna Walewska)、沈宸
网站: www.katarzynakozyrafoundation.pl;
《侏儒画廊》,一系列的艺术占领,取自画廊活动的物件和Ela Białkowska拍摄的第一届侏儒双年展的照片,2006-2008。
The Midget Gallery, series of artistic squats, objects from the Midget’s events and photographs from the first Midget Biennale (Berlin) by Ela Białkowska, 2006-2008.
《侏儒画廊》,一系列的艺术占领,取自画廊活动的物件和Ela Białkowska拍摄的第一届侏儒双年展的照片,2006-2008。
The Midget Gallery, series of artistic squats, objects from the Midget’s events and photographs from the first Midget Biennale (Berlin) by Ela Białkowska, 2006-2008.
《啦啦队长》, 出自“在艺术中梦想成真”系列的音乐录像,单频道放映(彩色),循环播放,16:9PAL制式,4’30”,音频,英语,2006。
Cheerleader, music video in the series “In Art Dreams ComeTrue”, single channel projection (colour), loop, 16:9 PAL, audio, lenght: 4’30”, 2006.
Diva. Reincarnation, performance in theseries “In Art Dreams Come True” performed in London, single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, length: 9’59”, 2005.
Summertale, film in the series "In Art Dreams Come True", single channel video (colour), loop, 16:9 PAL, audio, length: 19’56”, 2008.
《脸》取自录像装置“脸”的静态图像(彩色),同步循环播放,4:3PAL制式,时长可变,音频,波长3毫米的德邦有机玻璃,30 x 30厘米,2006/2016,卡塔姿娜·科兹拉基金会出品,华沙。
Faces, stills from the eponymous video installation realized in 2006, lambda on 3mm dibond, 30 x 30 cm, 2006/2016. Produced by Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation.
《寻找耶稣》, 纪录片(预告片),单频道录像(彩色),循环播放,16:9PAL制式,11’36”,音频,2012-2016。卡塔姿娜·科兹拉基金会出品,华沙。
Looking for Jesus, documentary film (trailer), single channel video (colour), 1080p, 16:9 PAL, stereo, length: 11’36”, 2012-2016. Producedby Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation.
《澡堂》出自六频道录像装置的静态图像(彩色),循环播放,4:3 PAL制式,静音,4'17(主屏幕投影机),8'22(频道2),12’07”(频道3),14’21”(频道4),9’59”(频道5),13’07”(频道6),波长3毫米的德邦有机玻璃,42 x 33.38厘米,1997/2006,卡塔姿娜·科兹拉基金会出品,华沙。
Bathhouse, stills from the eponymous six channel video installation realized in 1997, lambda on 3mm dibond, 42 x 33,38 cm, 2016. Produced by Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation.
《男澡堂》出自五频道录像装置的静态图像(彩色),同步循环播放,4:3PAL制式,8'29"(八边形空间中,四个频道播放),3'41"(单频道,“更衣室”),5'00"和12'00"(录音),波长3毫米的德邦有机玻璃,42 x 33.38厘米,1999/2016,卡塔姿娜·科兹拉基金会出品,华沙
Men’s Bathhouse, stills from the eponymous five channelvideo installation realized in 1999, lamba on 33 mm dibond, 42 x 33,38 cm, 2016, Produced by Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation.
Il Castrato, film in the series “In Art Dreams Come True”, single channel video (colour), loop 4:3 PAL, audio, length: 16’00”, 2006.